BMCR racing is in age based categories.
BMCR age categories for men are: A, 40-44; B, 45-49; C, 50-54; D, 55-59; E, 60-64; F, 65-69; G, 70-74;H,75-79: I,80-84, J,85-89; K,90-94: L,95-99.
BMCR age categories for women. For many years we have operated a system where women race against the category of men 10 years older than them, as we have not had enough women riding to run separate races for them. Under this system, age categories for women are: C, 40-44; D, 45-49; E, 50-54; F, 55-59; G, 60-64; H, 65-69; I, 70-74;J,75-79: K,80-84, L,85-89; M,90-94: N,95-99. In recent years we have successfully introduced separate women-only races in the Track, Omnium and Road Race Championships. As the number of entrants in each 5-year age category is still very small, an alternative system has been used where women compete within 3 age categories: 40-49, 50-59 and 60+, with a champion’s jersey awarded in each. This arrangement is a compromise until numbers warrant separate 5-year categories. In some other championships (e.g. Time Trial and Cyclo-Cross) an age-related handicapping system is used, and a single women’s jersey is awarded.
Sometimes all the women are grouped together within one men’s race, typically the 60+ race. Race organisers have discretion to decide this according to the mix of women of different ages who have entered, and women entrants are welcome to contact organisers to express their preferences.
Categories are based on year of birth, so all members change category (in the appropriate year) on the 1st January. (e.g. if a man is 50 on 10th June 2023, he will be a C category from 1st January 2023). However this does NOT apply to eligibility for BMCR membership, which is only available from the actual date of a person’s 40th birthday.