London Dynamo Spring Crit

Region 9 Series

London Dynamo Spring Crit

Latest Region 9 Series rankings

RaceRace PosNameClubCatCat PosSeries Points
ABCD1Jonathan SmithLeCol RTB120
2Andy BettsBMCRB217
3Colin GunnPaceline RTC120
4Thomas RutterPerformance Development TeamB314
5Rune SanbeckLondon DynamoC217
6Marco CoppolaColourtech RTC314
7David FarrowEagle Road ClubD120
8Andrew BuurmanRapha CCD217
9Keith WalkerWigmore CCD314
10Gavin FrancisLondon DynamoD412
11Kieron LewisCC LutonC412
12Toks Adesanyaaddiscombe ccD510
13Duncan RimmerMorden CRCB412
14Mike ScottBMCRD68
15Jeremy GreenwoodFinsbury Park ccD76
16Cliff SteeleBrixton CCD84
DNFNick SymesVCL D93
EFGHW1Chris BealesViCiOUS VELOE120
2Paul JamesBMCRE217
3Richard NewBMCRE314
4Barry BonnettBMCRE412
5Malcolm FreemanGS VecchiG120
6Stephen PiperVelo Schils Interbike RTE510
7Ken KnightPME68
8ralph keelerSt.Ives CCG217
9Deano SibthorpeEchelon Race TeamE76
10Duncan ThomasTeam AerocyclesE84
11Nick YarworthWorcester St Johns CCF120
12Kevin HickmanAPI-AngliasportF217
13Chris DunnAPI-AngliasportF314
14Colin ChambersCrawley Wheelers Race TeamE93
15Martin NorrisWarwick Lanterne Rouge CCE102
16Steven Wade-JonesBishops Stortford CCF412
17Trevor GannonBMCRF510
18Jeremy AdamsonBMCRF68
19olivier macphersonKingsnorth InternationalH120
20Alexandra HamiltonLondon DynamoW1
21DAVE BURTONSussex nomads ccH217
22ian cooperBossard WheelersG314
23Dave WoodsCC LutonH314
24Tracy CorbettOnyx RTW(E)2(11)
25Elizabeth HallidaySussex nomads ccW(G)3(4)12

If you spot any errors in placing, or if you are wrongly identified, please e-mail Incorrect formatting, capitalisation of names etc. is normally a result of the data on RiderHQ. If you correct it there, it should feed through to future results.