The latest BMCR cycling news from the British race scenes, plus comment, analysis, the latest bikes and products, and commuting and safety issues.
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Barrie Mitchell – Special Award

16th March – Barrie Mitchell was presented with an engraved BMCR trophy last week in recognition of his invaluable service to LVRC and BMCR over more than 20 years. In the days before technology and RiderHQ, Barrie produced the LVRC Racing Calendar entirely on paper. This was fundamental in enabling LVRC to deliver masters racing for its members. Many masters racing cyclists, even today, owe him so much.
Barrie and his team also organised innumerable races over the years, often including National Championships. He brought new ideas to LVRC like the TT championship and the Omloop which he fought hard for but which are now taken for granted. He was also at the forefront of including women in our sport and his early efforts provided a strong foundation for the increasing numbers of female members and racers today.
Windsplitters Derby Track League Week 4
Windsplitters Derby Track League Week 4 Results (opens in new tab). Apologies for the delay!
Windsplitters Derby Track League Week 3
Another competitive evenings racing on the Derby boards. Still plenty of room for riders to join this brilliant track league. Thanks again to Rob for organising.